воскресенье, 18 декабря 2022
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Jacques Xhénémont (Fl. 1782/1801) "Miniature Louis Antoine de Saint-Just"

- с таким вот пояснениемс таким вот пояснением:
"This miniature, signed "jacques /xhenemont /f.(ecit)", is probably the only work existing today of the Flemish (Belgian), turn of 19th century artist, Jacques Xhénemont. Until today only one other miniature of his was mentioned - a female portrait, exhibited by him at Salon de Paris in 1801 (whereabouts unknown).
Moreover, it is a (previously unknown for historians!) representation of a famous figure of the French Revolution, associate of Robespierre, Louis de Saint-Just (see our last photograph here), who between 26th January and 12th February 1794 was in the Revolutionary Army, of North (on the territory of Austrian Netherlands, now Belgium) where he (as a "conventionnel" (member of the Convention), together with his colleague Philippe Lebas) arrived for inspection.
Six months later, on 28th July 1794 he and his friend Robespierre will be guillotined...
Jacques Xhénemont was born in Liege (then Austrian Netherlands; now Belgium). Dates of his birth and death remain unknown but due to the fact that from 1782 onwards he studied under Pompeo Batoni at the Roman Academy Saint-Luc we assume that he was born in the 1760s. At Saint-Luc, on 6th April 1787, he won the first academical prize for drawing after nature.
Ten months later his teacher Batoni died and Xhénemont returned to native Liege where he continued his studies at the local academy.
We meet him again in 1801, living in Paris, at 181, rue de Pouliers. Exactly from this address he participated in aforementioned Salon exhibition of 1801.
Provenance: private collection, Vienna, Austria
We are very grateful to Mr. Nikolai Zubkov for his generous help and advisory.
Condition: good
Creation Year: 1794
Measurements: UNFRAMED: 6,8x5,3cm/2,7x2,1in FRAMED: 8,6x6,8cm/3,4x2,7in
Object Type: Framed miniature
Style: Portrait Miniatures
Technique: watercolor on organic wafer (round)
Inscription: signed: "jacques /xhenemont /f.(ecit)"
Creator: Jacques Xhénemont
Creator Dates: was active between 1782-1801
Nationality: French / Belgian"
Нам не просто объясняют, что молодой бельгийских художник мог видеть Сен-Жюста во время его миссии к Северной Армии, но и предлагают сравнить эту миниатюру с известными портретами Сен-Жюстапредлагают сравнить эту миниатюру с известными портретами Сен-Жюста:

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